Home / News / Auto Parts Plastic Injection Mold Manufacturing Process Preparation Requirements

Auto Parts Plastic Injection Mold Manufacturing Process Preparation Requirements

The manufacture of auto parts plastic injection mold is a job with high technical requirements, and the process requirements should be compiled before manufacturing to ensure that the production of auto plastic injection mold goes smoothly without producing defective products.

1. Carefully review mold processing requirements, technical conditions, drawings, and other technical data or some technical parameters of production parts.

2. Determine the process benchmark of auto parts plastic injection mould, and strive to coincide with the design benchmark. Formulate the mold forming process, process method, mold element composition, and processing method, and determine the processing equipment.

3. The choice of mold material can be different for making different auto parts. The use of working parts requires higher hardness and records the type, size, material, technical conditions, and supply of materials.

4. Auto parts plastic injection mold assembly, formulation of the test process. Determine the mold assembly benchmark, assembly sequence, inspection method, test mold performance, and acceptance criteria.

5. Determine the rough machining allowance, finishing standard, dimensional accuracy, and dimensional tolerance of each process for auto parts plastic injection mold.

6. Determine the cutting allowance according to the dimensional tolerance of each process.

7. According to the process requirements of auto parts plastic injection mould, determine the production man-hour, and ensure the delivery according to the time stipulated in the contract.