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Basic Requirements For Injection Molds

Injection molding is a common production modeling method in industrial manufacturing. Products are usually injection molded from plastic or rubber. Injection molding machine (referred to as injection machine or injection molding machine) is the main molding equipment for making thermoplastic or thermosetting materials into various shapes of plastic products using plastic molding molds. Injection molding is realized through injection molding machines and molds.

The following are the basic requirements for injection molds that we have summarized:

(1) To ensure the quality of the mold

To ensure the quality of the mold means that under normal production conditions, the mold processed according to the process should be able to meet all the precision and surface quality requirements specified in the design drawings, and be able to produce qualified products in batches. The quality of the mold should be guaranteed by the processing methods, processing equipment and production operators adopted in the manufacturing process regulations.

(2) To ensure the mold manufacturing cycle

The mold manufacturing cycle refers to the completion of the mold manufacturing within the specified date. The length of the mold manufacturing cycle reflects the technical level and organizational management level of mold production. When manufacturing molds, we should strive to shorten the mold manufacturing cycle, which requires the development of reasonable processing procedures, and computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) should be used as much as possible.

(3) To ensure the service life of the mold

The service life of the mold refers to the durability of the mold during use, and is generally measured by the number of qualified products produced by the mold. A high service life reflects the level of mold processing and manufacturing, and is an important indicator of mold production quality.

(4) To ensure low mold cost

Mold cost refers to the manufacturing cost of the mold. Since the mold is produced in one piece, the degree of mechanization and automation is not high, so the cost of the mold is relatively high. In order to reduce the manufacturing cost of the mold, the mold material should be reasonably selected according to the batch size of the product, a reasonable processing procedure should be formulated, and labor productivity should be improved.

(5) To continuously improve the level of processing technology

The manufacturing process of the mold should adopt new technology, new technology and new material as far as possible according to the existing conditions, so as to improve the production efficiency of the mold, reduce the cost, and make the mold production have a higher technical and economic benefit and level.

(6) To ensure good working conditions

The manufacturing process of the mold should ensure that the operators have good working conditions and prevent dust, noise, harmful gases and other pollution sources.

Taizhou Minghuang Plastic Mold Co., Ltd. is a professional Plastic Injection Mold Manufacturers. If you need it, you can click the official website to contact us. We are willing to answer more detailed information for you.