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Commonly Used Mold Steel Material Composition, What Material Is The Mold Steel?

What is the material of die steel?

Die steel is a type of steel used to make molds such as cold stamping dies, hot forging dies, and die casting dies. Molds are the main processing tools for manufacturing parts in industrial sectors such as machinery manufacturing, radio instruments, motors, and electrical appliances.

The quality of the mold directly affects the quality of the pressure processing process, the precision output of the product and the production cost, and the quality and service life of the mold are mainly affected by the mold material and heat treatment in addition to reasonable structural design and machining accuracy.

What are the materials of die steel?

1. The commonly used mold steels in the domestic market are:

420SS corrosion-resistant plastic mold steel, American AISI and ASTM standard steel grades. Approximate steel number: China 4Cr13 (GB), Germany X38C13 (DIN), France Z40C40 (NF), Russia 40X13 (I"OCT).

440C corrosion-resistant plastic mold steel, American AISI and ASTM standard steel grades. Approximate steel number: China 11Cr17 (GB), Japan SUS440C (JIS), Russia 95X18 (I"OCT).

P20 pre-hardened plastic mold steel, American AISI and ASTM standard steel grades. It has been included in my country's national standard (see GB/T 1299-2000, 3Cr2Mo). The pre-hardening hardness is generally in the range of 30 to 32 HRC, which is suitable for making large and medium-sized precision plastic molds with complex shapes. Approximate steel grades: China 3Cr2Mo (GB), Germany 1.2330 (W-Nr), France 35 CrMo8 (NF), etc.

2. Japanese plastic mold steel commonly used in the domestic market

G-STAR corrosion-resistant plastic mold steel, the manufacturer's brand of Datong Special Steel Co., Ltd., Japan. The steel can be pre-hardened, the factory hardness is 33-37 HRC, and it has good corrosion resistance and machinability. It can be combined with S-STAR steel to form a corrosion-resistant plastic mold.

NAK55/NAK80 mirror plastic mold steel, the manufacturer's grade of Japan Datong Special Steel Co., Ltd. Both steels can be pre-hardened to a hardness of 37-43 HRC. NAK55 has good machining performance, and NAK80 has excellent mirror polishing performance, which is used to make high-precision mirror plastic molds.

PXZ pre-hardened plastic mold steel, the manufacturer's brand of Datong Special Steel Co., Ltd., Japan. The factory hardness of this steel is 27-34 HRC. The steel has good machining performance and welding repair performance, and is used to make large-scale etched molds and plastic molds such as automobile bumpers, instrument panels, and home appliance shells.

PX4/PX5 mirror plastic mold steel, the manufacturer's brand of Datong Special Steel Co., Ltd., Japan. The steel can be pre-hardened to a hardness of 30 to 33 HRC. These two kinds of steel are American P20 modified type, which are used to make large mirror plastic molds and automobile taillights, front baffle molds, cameras, and home appliance shell molds.

S45 C/S50C/S55 C ordinary plastic mold steel. Japan's JIS standard steel grades are similar to my country's high-quality carbon structural steel 45, 50, and 55, which are often used in non-important parts of molds, such as mold bases.

Due to the special requirements of mold steel, the production process of this type of steel requires concentrate, refining and vacuum degassing, the carbon content of the steel is narrowed, and the content of sulfur and phosphorus is controlled to a lower level. For example, in YB/T 107-1997, the Carbon plastic mold steel grades are SM45, SM48, SM50, SM53 and SM55, etc., to distinguish them from high-quality carbon structural steels for general purposes.

S-STAR anti-corrosion mirror plastic mold steel, Japan's Datong Special Steel Co., Ltd. manufacturer's brand. The steel is a martensitic stainless steel with high corrosion resistance, high mirror polishing properties, and small heat treatment deformation. It is used to make corrosion-resistant mirror-surface precision plastic molds.

3. German plastic mold steel commonly used in the domestic market

GS-083, GS-083ESR, GS-083VAR, GS-083H, GS-083M, GS-128H, GS-162, GS-312, GS-316, GS-316ESR, GS-316S, GS-318, GS- 343EFS, GS-343ESR, GS-3615, GS-379, GS-711, GS-738, GS-767, GS-808VAR, GSW-2083, etc.